Yeah really.
Yeah really. @fediforum you really should make a statement on whether Meta people will once again be featured. Otherwise it sounds like you're saying "Whan a great day to highlight our support for anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry in the fediverse!" And maybe you are!
thisismissem@hachyderm.ioreplied to last edited by
@thenexusofprivacy @fediforum @FediThing FediForum is an open forum, anyone can participate regardless of organization affiliation, though they may be more inclined to decline a demo from Meta about Threads given these changes.
This is much the same as in Meta can show up to W3C meetings for ActivityPub, but they're not given any special privileges just because they are Meta.
thenexusofprivacy@infosec.exchangereplied to last edited by
FediForum is an event that can have whatever policies they want, so if they want to be open to anti-LGBTQ+ organizations they certainly can! And since two of their founders are advisors to a Meta-funded organization, they probably will. But it's a choice they're making, and (unlike the W3C committee) they don't have to make that choice.
thisismissem@hachyderm.ioreplied to last edited by
@thenexusofprivacy @fediforum @FediThing right, but then they would not be saying “we're explicitly prohibiting Meta and employees of Meta from taking part in the event" but rather “We have a code of conduct and a set of values, and organisations that are not inline with that code of conduct or our values are not welcome”
It's just like if Gl**son showed up he'd be told "sorry, no”
thenexusofprivacy@infosec.exchangereplied to last edited by
Right. Or not, it's really up to them!
My original post was just saying that since they've repeatedly featured Meta people in the past -- which has led to publicity -- when they use Meta's announcement of anti-LGBTQ+ policies to promote the next FediForum, they're positioning themselves as anti-LGBTQ+ . If that's who they want to be, oh well. But they don't have to be that way!